
In the series “A9” I show pictures I took during my hospitalization in a mental health facility. I captured everyday life in an environment unfamiliar to many. To counter the myths and apprehension associated with psychiatric clinics, the mundane details of the interiors are depicted, mostly devoid of humans.
All photos were taken with a point and shoot film camera as a tool that allows me to take a photo without having to adjust the settings according to the situation. It captures moments spontaneously, very genuine, and honest.
Mental health is a topic that is still hushed up or condemned today. It makes no difference whether you are physically or mentally ill. Both can be treated. As a person with a mental illness, you can feel misunderstood and think that you are alone. Often someone does not even know that he or she is ill, for the symptoms are not associated with an illness, but for example with laziness or the like, because not enough education is given about this.
With this series, I want to oppose the stigmatisation of mental illness and encourage an open discussion. Through the photos, I also want to normalise a stay in this kind of hospital and show that it is not shameful to be treated.